Our Mission
You don’t like waste. We don’t like waste. From our earliest days, we’ve had an aversion to throwing things away. We care about the environment, so much so that we have been ISO 14001 (Environmental Management) certified since 2015. This means we’re pretty serious about our impact on the environment.
If you have ever visited the ADM offices in Canterbury, Kent – the signage encouraging environmental practices and offering guidance to staff will have stood out to you. We also sport 40+ solar panels at our offices, with previous involvement in the business of solar panels, fortnightly bin checks to ensure rules are being followed and a growing fleet of electric vehicles. We are also proudly involved in a number of environmental initiatives outside the workplace, such as the Green Schools program, and our Forest Schools program, where we have our own level 3 OCN training program in China, which helps train kindergarten teachers in forest schools to create better environmental awareness in a country where this is becoming increasingly an issue.
Support The Goals
Support the Goals is an initiative to rate and recognise businesses that support the UN Global Goals. In 2021, we joined the movement as a corporate member, which we feel strongly align with ADM’s own ethics. We’re proud to support the UN Sustainable Development Goals and be part of the global plan to tackle poverty, inequality, and climate change by 2030.
As part of this initiative, we mapped our sustainability strategy to six of the global goals where we feel we can make a difference; Goal 1 – No Poverty, Goal 3 – Good Health and Wellbeing, Goal 4 – Quality Education, Goal 5 – Gender Equality, Goal 12 – Responsible Consumption & Production and Goal 13 – Climate Action.
We will continue to share environmental and charity updates on what we are doing to support these goals, and hope that by doing so, we can inspire similar organisations to get involved and help create a sustainable world, that all future generations can enjoy, regardless of their background.

Ecologi is the platform for collective climate action, with the aim to reduce half the world’s emissions by 2040.
ADM joined this platform in July 2022. By being a part of Ecologi, we help fund the world’s best carbon offsetting solutions, and reforest the planet by planting over 350 trees every month.
The effort is recognised by Support the Goals – an initiative to rate and recognise businesses that support the UN Global Goals, which ADM joined as a corporate member in 2021.
Green School Awards
The Green School Awards is a program that’s open to primary and secondary schools across the South-East. It celebrates best practice in six categories: green travel and road safety; energy conservation; nature conservation; health and well-being; recycling; and air pollution. Check out this video of our Managing Director, Adrian Bryant as interviewed by the KM Charity & Green School Awards team.

Managing Director's Passion Project
Being unable to travel and with more time at home during the Covid-19 pandemic, Managing Director Adrian Bryant decided to get his hands dirty and start a personal project of planting over 60 trees in 2020. With the hard work out the way and a wide array of different saplings successfully planted – we’re looking forward to seeing how this project develops over the coming years.
Kent Wildlife Trust
When Sandwich and Pegwell Bay was declared a National Nature Reserve in 1999, ADM Computing were proud sponsors of the Kent Wildlife Trust. This meant we were fortunate enough to receive an invite and meet the wonderful Sir David Attenborough, who was officiating. We were even able to take a quick picture together to remember the day.

Company Volunteering
At ADM, we are committed to fostering a culture of generosity and civic engagement. We empower our staff by offering every employee one paid volunteering day each year, during regular working hours, to support a cause that is meaningful to them. This initiative allows our team members to give back to the community, through environmental efforts, community outreach, or supporting a cherished charity.
Recognising that some staff may not have the time or resources to organise a volunteering day on their own, we also coordinate group volunteering events. These organised outings provide a structured opportunity for team members to participate in community service, ensuring everyone has the chance to contribute, regardless of their personal circumstances. By offering these options, we aim to encourage a spirit of community and personal involvement in causes that enrich our society and environment.
Sustainability in the workplace
In order to reduce our carbon footprint within the ADM offices, we’re proud to say:
- We continue to be ISO 14001 (Environmental Management) certified.
- We have 40 solar panels contributing to our electricity needs
- In 2019 we shifted to a more local waste & recycling provider, in an effort to reduce the amount of waste that doesn’t get recycled, whilst also reducing our carbon footprint.
- We have an increasing range of electric vehicles within our fleet, with 4 charging points at our offices.
- Alongside our car-sharing scheme, we also encourage all our staff to take advantage of the cycle to work scheme and have invested in multiple electric bikes as a result.

Forest Schools
We have our own level 3 OCN training program in China, which helps train kindergarten teachers in forest schools to create better environmental awareness in a country where this is becoming increasingly an issue. Forest Schools also serve as an excellent way of encouraging creative thinking in young students whilst they learn important life skills they would not encounter in a traditional classroom environment.
Remanufactured Devices
In addition to the work we do for our customers, repurposing and donating unwanted devices to charities, ADM also partner with RDUK to ensure we can provide high quality refurbished devices to business that desire them. This not only helps cut down on waste and helps businesses along their own sustainability journeys – but can also help reduce costs for organisations whose devices may suffer from above average wear and tear, such as schools.